Providing protection for any industry

Corporate membership

As an Australian workplace with corporate membership, your teams will benefit from:

Find the membership option that suits your needs

Workplace safety Australia - financial protection and risk reduction

No one is immune from spinal cord injuries. They are not restricted to dangerous activities or high-risk professions; they can impact anyone at any time.

PBF Australia membership is a unique corporate benefit, offering 24/7 financial protection in the event of a permanent traumatic spinal cord injury, both on and off the job. As a member-based, not-for-profit organisation, we offer affordable corporate membership packages designed to protect your entire workforce should the unexpected happen.

Our injury prevention programs are a popular addition to existing health and safety training programs, designed to raise awareness and reduce the incidence of serious injuries in the workplace.

The value of corporate membership

“Royal Life Saving WA have been working with the Paraplegic Benefit Fund since 2017 to provide membership benefits to our members. As a member-based organisation, with many of our members engaging in activities with high risk of spinal injury, it has been a valuable addition to our existing health and workplace safety policy and practices. The membership packages are flexible, low cost and provide real and tangible benefits for our members in the event that they sustain a spinal injury.”

Lauren Nimmo
Senior Manager, Health Promotion & Research

Our scalable corporate membership packages are made to fit

PBF Australia provides scalable Australian workplace safety membership packages to suit both large and small organisations. Our cost effective group memberships are provided on an annual basis and are suitable for all industries.

Corporate membership fees are based on the number of employees covered. Organisations can opt for either individual or inclusive employee memberships. Inclusive employee membership extends coverage to direct family members including the husband, wife, de facto partner of an employee, and their children up to the age of 25 years. Individual membership provides coverage for the employee only.

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