Creating awareness, reducing impact and incidence

About us

What value do you place on your independence?

Every day someone in Australia suffers a permanent spinal cord injury. The impact is devastating, and lives are changed in a split second; with paraplegia and quadriplegia being among the most expensive chronic injuries a person can face.

PBF Australia (The Paraplegic Benefit Fund) is a national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to reducing the impact and incidence of spinal cord injury. Founded in 1984 by world-renowned spinal surgeon, the late Sir George Bedbrook, PBF wants to see fewer Australians becoming permanently paralysed each year through accidents at home, work or play. We deliver injury prevention programs and provide much-needed financial support for members who sustain a total permanent traumatic spinal cord injury.

For those already living with paraplegia and quadriplegia we offer peer support programs, lifestyle education and employment opportunities; with the goal of demonstrating that life can and does go on after a spinal cord injury.

Raising awareness on life with spinal cord injury

Affordable membership options that ease the impact of a spinal cord injury

You might take walking for granted, but unfortunately a split second decision, or freak accident could threaten your independence.

PBF Australia offers membership packages to suit all situations, from individuals, families, corporate organisations and sporting groups our annual memberships are designed to be accessible for all members of the community.

Help us ease the impact by making a tax-deductible donation today.

Paraplegia and quadriplegia are among the most expensive chronic injuries a person can face. Help us reduce the impact and incidence of spinal cord injury by making a tax-deductible donation today. PBF Australia is a registered charity with Deductible Gift Recipient status (DGR) and tax receipts are available upon request. Donate now!
Make a difference whilst supporting a well-respected charity. Help us reduce injuries and deaths on the road, at work and in the water and assist those living with spinal cord injury by supporting our injury prevention and peer support programs.
Individual or corporate sponsorship opportunities are available.
Call 1800 809 780 to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

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