Donations to PBF help support those in need and reduce the incidence and impact of spinal cord injuries in Australia.
Recently PBF Australia was able to help John O’Shea (pictured) from Queensland, who lives with paraplegia after a spinal cord injury at level L1. John contacted us regarding our gifting program when he needed to install hand control into his car to maintain his independence. PBF Australia was able to provide $5000 towards having this equipment installed for John.
“I am very grateful to PBF for funding through their Gifting Program to install hand controls on my motor vehicle. PBF have enabled me through their generosity to lead a much more independent life despite my disability.”
— John O’Shea
Donate below to help us on our mission.
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PBF Australia is a not for profit organisation with Deductible Gift Recipient status (DGR), tax receipts can be issued on request.

Donations to PBF help support those in need and reduce the incidence and impact of spinal cord injuries in Australia.
Recently PBF Australia was able to help Jason Lewis (pictured) from
Western Australia, who lives with quadriplegia after a spinal cord injury at level C4-C5. Jason received a voice program for his computer, allowing him to continue his studies.
“I am very grateful for the PBF Gifting program as through PBF’s support I| was able to purchase a voice program for my computer which gave me the freedom to learn how to use my computer and the ability to study and get my Diploma in Community Services. Without the donation from PBF, I would not be able to use my computer. Thank you PBF and continue the wonderful work that you do.”
— Jason Lewis
Donate above to help us on our mission.