Spinal cord injury gifting applications

Gifting criteria

Easing the Hardship

Our Gifting Program

PBF Australia helps individuals living with spinal cord injury by providing funding for the purchase of essential equipment or home adaptations that will improve the quality and independence of their life. However PBF is a funder of last resort and it is expected that all other avenues of financial support have been exhausted before a grant can be approved.

PLEASE NOTE: Payment of an approved grant can only be made to a supplier or a service provider on presentation of a tax invoice. This means donations of money and /or retrospective payments cannot be made to an applicant’s bank account.

Grants up to $5,000

Individual grants are available up to a maximum of $5000

Permanency of injury

Funding is only made available to applicants with a permanent traumatic spinal cord injury. This is defined as a physical bodily injury that results in damage to or a severing of the spinal cord resulting in permanent paraplegia or quadriplegia

Non-traumatic spinal cord damage

Applicants with non-traumatic spinal cord damage that is secondary to a surgical procedure, or the result of disease or illness, or from internal damage to the spinal cord region, are not eligible for this funding

Funder of last resort

Funding is only made available to individuals once all other avenues of financial assistance have been exhausted

Statement of hardship

A statement of hardship will need to accompany all applications. The statement should provide an overview of your assets and income and the reasons why you are ineligible for other funding schemes. For instance if you own a home this may not prevent a grant but investments or cash assets need to be utilised before PBF is able to consider funding

Letter of support

A letter of support from a doctor, physiotherapist, occupational therapist or allied health professional must accompany the application. This letter should detail the reasons why the equipment or home adaptations are required

Accompanying quotations

Applications should be accompanied by three quotations. If three quotations are not obtainable please provide a detailed explanation

Accompanying contributions

Applications that include funding from other sources including private funds, Community Service and Government agency contributions will be looked upon favourably

Donations of money

Donations of money will not be made to individuals:

  • Payment will be made to suppliers upon invoice
  • Applications for retrospective payments will not be eligible

Generally we do not provide grants for:

Please note: PBF is a funder of last resort and it is expected that all other avenues of financial support have been exhausted before a grant can be approved.

Receiving alternative compensation

Applicants who have received or are in the process of receiving compensation or damages in respect of their spinal cord injury

Dual application eligibility

Standard equipment or modifications where an applicant is eligible for funding under Commonwealth, States and Territories and Veterans Affairs equipment schemes

Equipment servicing

Servicing or repairs to vehicles or equipment

Equipment modification

Equipment or modifications for people living in residential or aged care facilities

Alleviating the financial burden of spinal cord injury

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