The value of meaningful employment opportunities


Our own team members, who are themselves living as paraplegic or quadriplegic members of the community, are well positioned to comment on the positive impact of employment after injury.

In the words of Richard Higgins, who was a long-time peer support team member: “Being able to offer meaningful employment opportunities to individuals who can no longer return to their previous employment is of very high value.  Not only does it allow someone to earn a living, but it also promotes independence, community inclusion, social interaction, and self-worth.”

This view is supported by Jodie, a current PBF injury prevention presenter, who simply states: “PBF gave me something real to get up and do again.  PBF helped me find a purpose again”

Chris Easter and Jason Macgregor both started working for PBF as injury prevention presenters; Chris in Western Australia, and Jason in Queensland. Their initial work with PBF helped them build confidence and develop their own skill set.

As Jason explains, “At first talking about my injuries and the mistakes I made was difficult. The support from my peers in developing my story, so I could use my own words, was invaluable, and allowed me to enjoy my job a lot more”.

Since starting work with PBF Jason has travelled widely and has shared his story with thousands of Australians in schools, workplaces, and community settings; highlighting the importance of safety being a core life value. Jason has now been promoted into a new role, supporting others to become the best injury prevention speakers they can be. He works respectfully and sensitively as he helps them develop their own confidence and capabilities, understanding that they each have their own reasons and motivations for working with PBF; one colleague describing it as their “therapy”.

Jason enjoys his new role explaining that: “It has provided me with financial consistency whilst still allowing me the flexibility required to manage my disability and family life”

Chris Easter’s career progression and experience working with PBF has been similar. When working as an injury prevention speaker he was able to build his own confidence and skills. He now helps train and develop others living with spinal cord injury; motivated by helping them to gain meaningful employment and working with them as they share their personal stories to reduce the number of injuries.

He has experienced the positive impact that employment with PBF has had on himself and others, commenting: “I think it brings some closure and purpose knowing that using our experiences we can influence people to make better choices. It has brought new levels of confidence to our speakers, and you can see them continually grow with every presentation”

Your membership helps us to provide meaningful employment opportunities for those living with a spinal cord injury. We are proud to do so, demonstrating that life can and does go on after a spinal cord injury.

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