Meet the PBF team: Introducing Myreesa Hurtado


Introducing Myreesa Hurtado, PBF Workplace presenter. 

As a young, adventurous woman, Myreesa lived a full and busy life surfing, snorkelling, riding bikes and exploring. Working as an instructor at an adventure camp, safety was Myreesa’s number one priority. Four years later at 29 years old, she sustained a spinal cord injury whilst working at a day-care centre.

Myreesa’s message to the community is simple: no one is invincible. There was always a risk of sustaining a permanent injury with her adventurous lifestyle, but she never did she think she would sustain an injury in her workplace.

Q: Take us through an average day for you?
A: Wake up, make my way inside, feed our dog Sass, have breakfast. Then head out for the day doing different errands or heading to a PBF presentation. Some days I spend at the gym, or go for a swim. I also spend time out in the bush or at the skate park.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working for PBF?
A: The flexibility.

Q: Is there a contribution or achievement you’re most proud of being a part of at PBF? I
A: managed to get through my first presentation with so many hiccups, but I carried myself well.

Q: What most surprised you about the impact and incidence of spinal cord injury when you began to learn about this topic?
A: Since I am living with a spinal cord injury, everything about it has changed and impacted my life.

Q: What are your hobbies/what do you get up to outside of work?
A: I found out I am good at painting, so I love art, I am always doing things with my hands. I also spend time at the beach, pool and skate park

Q: What is your favourite thing about working for PBF/to reduce the impact and incidence of spinal cord injury?
A: I just hope that I can play a role to help others not end up in the same boat as me.

Q: What jobs did you have before joining PBF?
A: Childcare, adventure camps, cheffing, agriculture.

Q: Why did you start working with PBF?
A: I was approached, I loved what I saw, so decided I wanted to be a apart of the team.

Q: Why do you think people should become members of PBF Australia?
A: If I had known about PBF before my accident it would have greatly supported my new life transition.

Q: Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.
A: I know random facts about so many different topics people wouldn’t expect. I am a rolling encyclopedia.

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