Meet the PBF team: Introducing Nick Dempsey


Introducing PBF youth and road injury prevention speaker Nick Dempsey. 

In 2017 while celebrating his 21st birthday, Nick dove into his backyard pool, hit the bottom and sustained a spinal-cord injury resulting in him being a quadriplegic. Since his injury, Nick continues to push himself to see what’s possible now in his wheelchair life. 

Q: What is your role at PBF?
A:Telling my story and spreading awareness about spinal cord injuries  

Q: How long have you been working at PBF?
A: About 4 months  

Q: Take us through an average day for you?
A: wake up, complete my morning routine and get out of bed, have a coffee, go to physical therapy, go to any appointments I might have, take my dog for a walk, do some work on my computer, have dinner, go to bed 

Q: What do you enjoy most about working for PBF?
A: Being able to spread a positive message  

Q: What positive change or impact have you been making at PBF?
A: Giving the youth knowledge about risks relating to partying  

Q: Is there a contribution or achievement you’re most proud of being a part of at PBF?
A: Being able to make a difference  

Q: What most surprised you about the impact and incidence of spinal cord injury when you began to learn about this topic?
A: How prevalent it is in young people   

Q: If you were an animal, what would you be?
A: My dog because she’s spoilt  

Q: What is your favourite thing about working for PBF/to reduce the impact and incidence of spinal cord injury?
A: The great people I get to meet along the way 

Q: What jobs did you have before joining PBF?
A: I was a plumber before my injury, I also now work for a care company  

Q: Why did you start working with PBF?
A: I wanted to share my story to hopefully help others  

Q: Tell us something about yourself that not many people know.
A: I represented Australia in water polo 

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