Meet the PBF team: Introducing Megan Loneragan


“Youth, inexperience and a country dirt road resulted in disaster for me.”

Megan had just finished year 12 when the decision to attend a mate’s father’s funeral changed her life forever.  Driving 530km didn’t seem daunting at all – she was 17, had her licence and all the confidence in the world.  A long country dirt road was Megan’s downfall. She lost control of the vehicle in loose gravel and careered through a paddock fence rolling 6 or 7 times. The driver’s door opened and the top half of her body was bounced against the hard dirt as the car rolled.

A fractured skull, head injuries, fractures to C6 & C7, collapsed lungs and a stroke were Megan’s initial injuries. She spent four months in hospital, another six months in a rehabilitation hospital and had open heart surgery. Megan left hospital in a wheelchair, paralysed down her left side. Over the next 5 years, she managed to graduate to a calliper, leg braces and finally a walking stick.

Megan currently works as a Teacher’s Aide, drives, swims, and socialises with friends – but has to contend with people drawing conclusions about her ability or disability. By sharing her story, Megan hopes that she can prevent young people from making silly mistakes and taking risks when driving.

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