Membership with PBF

PBF membership options

United Professional Firefighters Union of WA are proud corporate members of PBF Australia Ltd (Paraplegic Benefit Fund).

As an member you are eligible to claim a $250,000 PBF member benefit payment should you sustain a permanent traumatic spinal cord injury*.

Paraplegia and quadriplegia are among the most expensive chronic injuries a person can face.  This payment provides vital financial assistance for house and car modifications, rehabilitation and other costs related to the life changes associated with spinal cord injury.

The membership cover applies 24hrs a day, 7 days a week

Not restricted to work activities

Member benefit claims processed as soon as possible after diagnosis confirmed, so payments usually made within weeks of injury when the
money is needed most

United Professional Firefighters Union of WA members can also choose to upgrade their cover and take out private membership* for their partners and families at discounted rates, $25 for a couple and $40 for family cover below.

*See PBF Product Disclosure Statement for full terms and conditions

Craig was a fit and healthy full-time firefighter.  Last year, whilst preparing to go out for his regular kite surf, a freak gust of wind lifted him into the air and shot him backwards into a sand dune. Craig fractured his spine and his spinal cord was severed leaving him permanently paralysed. He stayed in hospital for 5 months.

As a PBF member Craig received the $250,000-member benefit payment just five weeks after his accident.  This alleviated financial pressure and allowed him to focus on his rehab and preparations for returning home.

Craig used $60,000 of his PBF member benefit payment on home and garden modifications; he also bought a new car and had it converted to hand controls. He was able to pay for some private surgery to dramatically improve his quality of life post-injury.

Craig encourages people to think about how they would manage if an unexpected spinal cord injury happened to them.  How would they afford the associated costs?  As Craig explains, for a low annual membership fee, you can have “peace of mind knowing that if something happens, your family will be OK.”

Ebonny was a very active member of the community pursuing her passion in photography and gaining experience in a bookkeeping career. She regularly enjoyed activities like motorcycling, camping, volleyball and travel until she was instantly paralysed after coming off a bridge while riding her motorbike.

Ebonny spent six months in hospital before returning home to a completely different life journey of living with a spinal cord injury. Unfortunately she wasn’t aware of PBF before her injury and what it might mean to easing the impact of her recovery.

“It took a year to prove I was permanently disabled to get the disability pension from Centrelink and two years to navigate the terms and conditions to claim TPD (Total Permanent Disability) on my superannuation. The PBF payment would’ve been instrumental to fast tracking my independence when I needed it most to cover, for example, certain modifications to my home and getting a suitable car. Now that I’m aware of what PBF does, I can’t believe how affordable it is for what it covers.”

— Ebonny McGann, PBF Admin Officer

Learn how PBF membership can make a difference

Jodie’s life changed forever when she was struck by a motor vehicle whilst cycling. The driver, was over the legal alcohol limit, found to be fatigued at the time as well as using their mobile phone whist driving!

Working as a dietician and gym operator, the spinal cord injuries Jodie sustained in this cycling accident completely changed the course of her life.

Jodie is an engaging presenter and has a passion for educating drivers. Her goal is to help minimise the number of drivers on Australian roads that continue to use their phones or drive whilst intoxicated.

“Unfortunately, I was not a PBF member at the time of my accident. The $250,000 member benefit payment would have made a huge difference after my injury. It would have relieved financial pressure and helped with immediate expenses; allowing me to focus on my physical and mental rehabilitation. I would encourage everyone to consider joining PBF”.

— Jodie Nikolic, PBF Speaker

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