Take A Safety Moment
The theme for this October’s National Safe Work Month is “A moment is all it takes.”
While a safety incident can happen in a moment and in any workplace, a moment’s forethought can prevent harm.
Safe Work Australia Chair, Diane Smith-Gander, urges employers and workers to take a safety moment this October.
This could be as simple as spending five minutes every morning talking with your team about the hazards and risks in your workplace, and how to prevent harm.
The national campaign encourages participants to share their safety moment using #mysafetymoment.
During October PBF will be working with our corporate partners to share the important Safe Work message. Activity on the East Coast includes presentations to Woollahra Council in NSW, 8 presentations at Visy fibre sites in Victoria, visits to Noosa and Burdekin Shire Councils and 2 presentations to Ausenco in Brisbane. The injury prevention work with Ingham’s will also continue.
In Western Australia RAC are hosting a PBF ‘lunch & learn’ session to highlight work safety month, and we will be working with Aveling on a safety activation at their HQ. Planned Injury prevention presentations during the month include WA Super, Main Roads, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, Winc Australia and the City of Mandurah.
PBF Australia’s cost effective safety training can help you make safety a priority in your business.
Follow us on Facebook for more
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