Michelina’s Story


On Boxing Day 1989,  Michelina had recently finished her HSC and her family planned to drive to Adelaide for a 21st birthday party on New Year’s Eve. They never made it past Gundagai… 

Another driver fell asleep at the wheel and came onto their side of the highway, hitting her uncle’s car head-on. Michelina’s parent’s car was in front of them and managed to swerve out of the way. She was a passenger sitting behind her uncle’s seat and took the brunt of the impact resulting in an L2 Spinal Cord Injury. Michelina’s life changed forever. Not only did she lose the use of her legs but also lost her uncle in the blink of an eye. 

Michelina quickly realised that she would become an educator whether she wanted to be or not. Through education, she is able to knock down the barriers that pre-conceived ideas about spinal cord injury bring. Michelina believes it is so important to see the person before the wheelchair and educating about the consequences of road choices gives people the opportunity to be aware and make informed (and safer) decisions when they drive. She shares her story in the hope to minimise the risk of a catastrophic injury happening to her audience or their loved ones. 

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